I assume you already know what “click to tweet” or “tweetable” quotes are, and how you can benefit from them. If not, read this immediately! How To Create “Tweetable Quotes” In Your Articles.
With our plugin you can follow the outstanding tactics to bring in more traffic from Twitter: Dont Share your Content. Get it Shared Instead!
So down below you will see the Power of TweetDis!

By vainfawn
Let’s get started!
1. Hint
Hint is the highlighted text in your content, which can be tweeted by your readers alone from all the other content. Pretty much the standard feature, a MUST for click to tweet WordPress plugin. I will show you how looks like inside the text. Check out the paragraph below:
Sure thing not all of your blog visitors want to share your content immediately. But what if there is a small piece in it that catches their attention? And all of a sudden, they feel the urge to share it, nothing else. They want to share, but they can’t! – That’s Lame! So give them such an opportunity! Let them tweet a bite of your content, not only the whole post. The trick is that when you readers tweet this “sound bite”, the tweet will have a link to your post/site/blog – whereever you say. You can easily make such bites with TweetDis click to tweet plugin.
You see?
With our “tweet this” plugin you can also customize such hints like this:
or like this:
Awesome enough. But there’s much, much more!
2. Box
You will not get such tweetable quotes with any other tool. There’s nothing to explain. Just observe.
A true story for my bicycle:
Oooh, that sounds familar!
And these click to tweet boxes are available for you in diferent color schemes with TweetDis “twet this” plugin.
Confess, you did want to Tweet one of these!
Now let’s add some more style!
Introducing you the Authority Tweetable Quotes!

First the doctor told me the good news: I was going to have a disease named after me. Click to tweet
And finally, ladies and gentlemen!
3. Tweetable images
An image (a visual), is also a powerful bite of content to be tweeted.
That’s another coolest feature of our best click to tweet plugin!
Available in 6 templates to wrap your image with tweetability!
Aren’t all of these neat features worth using to grab more traffic from Twitter?
There is even more stuff in TweetDis “tweet this” WordPress plugin, I will cover them in my future posts here.
So go on and tweet any of these quotes, by simply clicking them. Share this post and leave you comments with your impressions, ideas and questions.