Sell TweetDis & Get Your 50%

Become our affiliate and make money promoting a great plugin

1. How to become our affiliate:

We sell TweetDis through ClickBank.

If you’re already a member of ClickBank, just replace XXX in the url below with your Nickname and that would be it

Now whenever someone will click your affiliate link and purchase TweetDis plugin, your ClickBank account will be automatically credited 50% from its price.

Our affiliate program is powered by ClickBank HopLink Cookies. This ensures that if a customer clicks on your affiliate link and ends up buying the product within 60 days by directly visiting TweetDis site, you get credit for the sale and receive a commission.

It's really THAT EASY!

If You're New To ClickBank

No worries, registering at ClickBank is easier than registering an email account.

Just go to;

Click the "SIGN UP" button in upper right corner;

Fill in all the required fields, choose your username and click "Submit Account Registration".

Once you're able to login to ClickBank with your username and password - you're all set!

Now you can put your ClickBank username into our affiliate URL (explained above) and sell TweetDis.

2. How To Sell TweetDis:

The single most effective way to sell TweetDis would be to educate your blog readers why it’s cool and how to benefit from using it.

You can see me do this in the following article:

How To Get 200% More Tweets On Your Articles

(just rewrite this article on your own blog and it will bring you sales)

You can also go through your past articles about Twitter & Social Media Marketing and edit them to reference TweetDis with your affiliate URL.

This is the easiest way to promote TweetDis. Just put a banner somewhere
on your blog and enjoy the sales pouring in.

We have a few different designs of banners and tons of different sizes.
You shouldn't have a problem finding one that would fit your blog.

(If you will copy/paste the code to your website don’t forget to replace
XXX with your ClickBank username)


Feel free to use the contact form below regardless of the topic of your question and we'll do our best to help you out!
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